Musiquinha da noite - parte II - o passado

The Past presents the future
Her Space Holiday
The Past presents the future
When I think about the world and how big it can seem
I know I can get through it all with my best friend right
Next to me,
we started out as little kids and watched
Each other grow,
and anywhere I went with you, I felt like I was home,
we won't worry about our future, or fret about
Our past,
we'll enjoy our time together knowing that this
Quietness will last
When I think about my family and how much they've endured
I want to wrap them in my arms and keep them safe and warm,
but they would never know this because I'm so far removed,
fixated on my bloodline, I adopted my excuse,
it wasn't on the radio, or on some TV show,
I used it for survival,
I'm learning how to slowly let it go
When I think about my enemies and all the time we waste suiting up
in armor for the battle that we waged,
I want to pull my t-shirt off and wave it in their face and yell out I surrender,
I no longer have the strength, so let's rip up all
The score cards, and call the game a tie, we'll both become
The winners, and walk away with a little piece of mind
When I think about my history, a collection of events filled
With important characters who mostly came and went regret
is like a bill unpaid, it controls your every move, if you throw it in the violent sea,
it will always come right back to you,
the past presents the future,
take your hands from your eyes,
so you can wave to all the people as you roll through
what's left of your life good night to you,I'm going home
*Como diz Ana Rita, acontece uma coisa estranha com a beleza deste cara. Não chega até o fundo (é muito mais a impressão de um sentimento do que algo concreto). penduro esta aqui mais porque ao final da música estão elementos que me são muito caros. os sons de um dia qualquer*
*Meu Hd lotou, agora Doves para Her Space Holiday, Para Achictecture in Helsink, para Interpol,para Blur, enfim...preciso comprar um de um tera!!!*
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