domingo, agosto 13

Musiquinha da noite - Ressaca

Tá vendo. Domingo é um dia gostoso

Black and White Town
Some Cities

Here comes the action
Here comes at last
Lord give me a reaction
Lord give me a chance

You should follow me down
In satellite towns
There's no colour and no sound
I've been ten feet underground

Got to get out of this satellite town

Here comes some action
First time in my life
I gotta get up to get compensation
I gotta get up to get this to last

Whether you live alone
Or you're trying to find your way in this world
you better make sure that you don't crack you're head on that pavement
My God! the shock!
It's been preying on me and mine
This is a dangerous place man
This is a dangerous place, there's nothing here.

You should follow your way down
In satellite towns
There's no colour and no sound
I've been ten feet underground

Black and White Town

You should follow me down
There's no colour and no sound
In the Black and White Town
I've been ten feet underground
In the Black and White Town

*Final de semana que vem: Água.*
* Rebelion (Lies) e C'mere nunca falham no sábado.*
*Talvez eu tenha que me explicar*
*Essa ressaca que não passa*
*Não jogar fora os domingos, eles são dias legais.*
*Então é sábado que vem - Bienal, Paço das artes, Bubbles, Eu você todos nós..voltando à vida*
*Será que está bem?*
*Nem decidi, mas acho que só vou comer amanhã, hoje nem existiu*
*Atividade útil do dia: Botafogo 1 X Palmeiras 3*