Musiquinha da Madruga - Não é opção

Não lute contra ursos
Dimensions and Verticals
Say hi to your mom
Ferocious Mopes
Let's say the world was a legal pad
and everything was two dimensional.
But somehow you were the third coordinate
and you were towering over our college rule.
Would you draw me with your pencils and your pen,
make me much prettier than I really am?
And could you draw us with some picture perfect friends
if I chipped in for the ink?
Let's say you spilled all your coffee
on us while you weren't looking.
And all our world was stained, awake and drowned.
And all you doodling looked pretty foul.
Would you draw me air bubbles so I could breathe?
Or at least some chlorophyll making trees?
If I got erased would you even still love me?
Or would you just draw yourself another he?
* Nunca foi uma opção. All his pain and suffering was gone. Já sentiu a dor. Mas agora não. Apenas quer ver onde isso tudo vai dar. Então ele acorada de manhã e vai trabalhar, pensando em passar na casa dela mais tarde, quando sair do trabalho*
*A foto...phoda..muito! para sorrir e virar de costas ver se a memória guarda, tentando decorar*
*A casa vai estar pronta e arrumada (ponto)... não é para ter resposta, nem aviso*
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