sábado, abril 8

Musiquinha do dia - Dedicado

A foto tá errda, mas eu não tenho a certa

Dedicaded to the one I love
Composed by: Pauling/Bass
Performed by: The Mamas & The Papas

While I'm far away from you my baby
I know it's hard for you my baby
Because it's hard for me my baby
And the darkest hour is just before dawn

Each night before you go to bed my baby
Whisper a little prayer for me my baby
And tell all the stars above
This is dedicated to the one I love
(love can never be exactly like we want it to be)

I could be satisfied knowing you love me
(and there's one thing I want you to do
especially for me)

And it's something that everybody needs
While I'm far away from you my baby
Whisper a little prayer for me my baby
Because it's hard for me my baby
And the darkest hour is just before dawn

If there's one thing I want you to do especially for me
Then it's something that everybody needs
Each night before you go to bed my baby
Whisper a little prayer for me my baby
And tell all the stars above
This is dedicated to the one I love
This is dedicated to the one I love
This is dedicated to the one I love
This is dedicated to the one I love

*Hoje Supregrass..caiu do TELHADO, mas Cinesesc = Bom Dia Noite e Reis e Rainhas, bar amarelo, amigos abraços, saudades.isso é tudo*
*pigas??? nada, linda linda linda..(TM&TP em alta)*


Blogger mrcsh said...

Foi mal ter dado uma picaretada e não aparecido no amarelo, mas é que... não deu!
Mas a gente ainda tem que se encontrar!
Viu V de Vingança?

domingo, abril 09, 2006 11:47:00 PM  

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