quarta-feira, maio 24

Musiquinhas da noite - Pára-quedas ACME

Se fosse outra banda seria brega, mas é Radiohead, e isso faz toda a diferença.

You and Whose Army
Amnesiac (Live in Toronto)

Come on, come on
You think you drive me crazy
Come on, come on

You and whose army?
You and your cronies

Come on, come on
Holy Roman empire
Come on if you think
Come on if you think
You can take us on
You can take us on

You and whose army?
You and your cronies
You forget so easy

We ride tonight
Ghost Horses

*Yeah,.,you drive me crazy*]

Pablo Honey

You are the sun and moon and stars are you,
and I could never run away from you.
You try at working out chaotic things,
and why should I believe myself not you?
It's like the world is going to end so soon,
and why should I believe myself?

You me and everything caught in the fire,
I can see me drowning, caught in the fire.
You me and everything caught in the fire,
and I can see me drowning, caught in the fire.

*e tinha uma versão Live..I.M.P.A.G.Á.V.E.L ...perdeu-se no mar 0101010110*

True Love waits
I might be wrong: live recordings

I'll drown my beliefs
To have you be in peace
I'll dress like your niece
To wash your swollen feet

Just don't leave, don't leave

And true love waits
In haunted attics
And true love wins
On lollipops and crisps

Just don't leave, don't leave

I'm not living
I'm just killing time
Your tiny hands
Your crazy kiss and smile

Just lonely, lonely..
Just lonely, lonely..

*Since that was unrelesed*
*Tom.. wait...(infame)*
*I wait*

How to disappear completetly and never be found
Kid A (mais conhecida como How to disappear completetly - Live in ?)

That there
That's not me
I go
Where I please
I walk through walls
I float, I float down the Liffey
I'm not here
This isn't happening
I'm not here
I'm not here

I know
What a seen
You trow me out
And send me back again
In a little while
I'll be gone
The moment's already passed
Yeah it's gone
Yeah it's gone
Yeah it's gone

Fireworks and blown speakers
Strobe lights and hurricanes
And I'm not here
This isn't happening
I'm not here
I'm not here

* e tinha 9 minutos...foi domesticada*
*I'm not here...I'm not here*

*Até que demorou bastante para postar Radiohead (ai vem assim, em doses cavalares)*
*No limite da pieguice. No limite dos cortes e da choradeira*
*Pára-quedas ACME. aqueles que o pobre coyote usa, saindo facas, pratos..mas pára-quedas..nada*
*Desfrutar da paisagem e esperar o toque dos dentes no chão*
*Fui tomar um café e já volto e agora é sério*


Blogger Lidianismo said...

Porque, e só porque, eu te amo...
(tá, e também porque estou bebada) vim cá te dizer boa noite.

Então... Boa noite.

Depois te conto as aventuras desta noite.

E foram muitas!

quinta-feira, maio 25, 2006 1:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anônimo said...

pelo blog da li te encontrei...e vim te dar um beijo!

quinta-feira, maio 25, 2006 10:05:00 AM  
Blogger Lidianismo said...

Mas Radiohead É brega!

quinta-feira, maio 25, 2006 2:57:00 PM  
Blogger mrcsh said...

Radiohead é supremo.
Baixou o show que te mandei?

quinta-feira, maio 25, 2006 9:12:00 PM  
Blogger Lidianismo said...

De você: Tudo!

segunda-feira, maio 29, 2006 7:11:00 PM  
Blogger M__ said...

Srta Slow Motion..eres herege (disso, eu nunca duvidei)

segunda-feira, maio 29, 2006 7:18:00 PM  

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