terça-feira, maio 23

Musiquinha da noite - Outstretched

Assinar - um labirinto ou as contas ou minha vida - mundo cão

With Arms Outstretched
Rilo Kiley
The Execution of all things

Its 16 miles, to the promise land
And i promise you, i'm doing the best i can
Now don't fool yourself
In thinking you're more than a man
Cause you'll probably end up dead

I visit these
Mountains with frequency
And i stand here with my arms out
Now somedays they'll last longer than others
But this day by the lake went too fast

And if you want me
You better speak up i won't wait
So you better, move fast

Don't fool yourself
In thinking you're more than you are
With your arms outstretched to me

Now its 16 miles to the promised land
And i promise you i'm doing the best i can
Now somedays they last longer than others
But this day by the lake went to fast

And if you want me, you better speak up i won't wait
So you better move fast

And somedays they last longer than others
But this day by the lake went to fast
And if you want me, you better speak up i wont wait
So you better move fast

*então é assim a crise da meia idade....(???)*
*Crise PROFISSIONAL FILHA DA PUTA (e é pouco.o insulto ficou barato)*
*quanto vale meu cérebro?*
*mas passar fome me fará burro também*
*comer, comprar cd's pagar aluguel, luz, telefone, celular, condominio, e definhar, ser soterrado por mesquinhez...*
*isso que custa viver?*
*cadê a saída..?? *
* i promise you, i'm doing the best i can*
*can i?*


Blogger M__ said...

a parte boa é saber q ACERTEI EM CHEIO na carreira que escolhi!

terça-feira, maio 23, 2006 9:11:00 PM  
Blogger Lidianismo said...

A parte boa, é saber que acertarás em cheio na decisão que tomares.
Seja ela qual for.

E tenho dito!

quarta-feira, maio 24, 2006 8:08:00 AM  

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