carta aberta aos amores

s.p. I/VI/VIII
e vem tudo daquilo que escutei. talvez eu nem seja tão bom ouvinte quanto creio. mas nunca foi por falar. nunca.
não soube calar quando devia, nem falar na hora certa, e via de regra usei as palavras erradas. mas não há silêncio que perdure para sempre nem fala interminável. e na vida não há nada que corrija o que já foi feito. what is done is done. coisa mais sabia quanto esta só keep trying...mas é sempre como e não o que ou ambas...nunca vou saber.
a beleza só pode vir do que é novo e supreendente.
é por isso que eu amo vocês e as desculpas, agora, eu peço a mim mesmo.
These Lights Are Meaningful
Love and Others Planets
I know that I've not been the same
Since the day we walked around and marveled at the firmament
Both wrapped up in a blanket that was handed down
And it struck me like a meteor, oh
And it's hard to explain
So it's hard to explain how I'm so sure
These lights are meaningful
We've got to understand
And work out what they say
These lights are meaningful
They'll tell what we forgot
We have a mission here
These lights are meaningful
We must translate them now
Else we'll just roll around
We have a reason here
Something beyond ourselves
These lights are meaningful
I needed purpose, I was given one
To find the reasons for life etched between the distant suns
And the zodiac in blues, to the wealth of all the ones we knew
Join silver dots set against the midnight blue, oh
And it's hard to explain
So it's hard to explain how
I'm so sure
These lights are meaningful
We've have forgot ourselves
We drift on oblivious
These lights are meaningful
Our message write out large
Lest we forget ourselves
These lights are meaningful
This is our final chance
We had a mission here once
They're not just pretty sparks
They're more than tiny stars
These lights are meaningful
We have a reason here
We must resolve ourselves
These lights are meaningful
Maybe I got it wrong
Maybe I'm just alone
Anything to feel alive
Take my hand and take me home
Make me feel like I'm not alone
It's what I need
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