segunda-feira, maio 19
domingo, maio 11
domingo um dia legal e os ovos mexidos

a história do ovo mexido
para uma pessoa
* 2 ovos de galinha caipira;
* 1/3 de pimentão verde;
*2/3 de cebola pequena;
* 1/3 de tomate;
* 3 fatias de queijo prato;
* 4 hastes de cebolinha;
* pimenta do reino;
* sal;
* manteiga ou margarina;
* música bonita.
modo e preparo
1) separe ingedientes
2) coloque música bonita (minhas comidas gostam especialmente de Mirah, Beth Orton, Nara Leão, Fernanda Takai e Françoise Hardy...qualquer combinação menina voz doce + violão e ou piano) - esta é a parte crucial, a música bonita define todo o resto do preparo...Hoje foi Isobell Campbel para picar e Beth Orton para cozinhar;
3) pique cebola, tomate, pimentão, queijo e cebolinha;
4) coloque um ounhadinho de pimenta do reino no tomate, misture bem, com as mãos pegando com as palmas cheias nos tomates picados;
5) seprarar cebola e pimentão verde num prato, queijo, tomate e cebolinha noutro;
6) quebre os ovos e misture com quatropitadas de sal, até ovo mudar ligeiramente de cor indo a um amarelo mais escuro;
7) derreta 3/4 de colher de sopa numa panela em fogo alto;
8) junte cebola e pimentão. refogue-os por alguns minutos;
9) abaixe o fogo para entre médio e baixo;
10) junte ovos;
11) mexer
12) junte tomate, queijo e cebolinha
13) mexa até quijo derreter um pouco, isso não vai demorar muito e é bom q não demore mesmo para o tomate conservar propiedades...
servir com torradas, geleia, pão preto, banchá, suco de laranja, torrada...aquilo que convir...
por que?
* música bonita é quem vai dar tom da comida. sempre.
* pitadas e punahdos vai da imaginação gustativa de cada qual.
* cozinhar para um só envolve medidas quase sempre não inteiras. quando a cozinha é para dois (ou mais) as medidas deixam de ser frações para ganhar estatus de unidades.
today, bless my eating
Beth Orton
Confort of Stranges
Want to keep your dream alive
Can I keep it with mine
But I’m no good for you I suppose
When you get a cold bath
You still hold me close at night
Never liked you any less
And the world’s not such
A friendly place, is it?
Can go very cold very quickly
And for a very long time
If the sun by some twist of fate
Stops giving out its shine
Some of the time the future
Comes right round to haunt me
Some of the time the future
Comes round just to see
That all is as it could be
Like it’s there to remind me
We’ve got to wait and see
Didn’t ask to be conceived
In a loveless embrace
Still we learn to be a warm sun
Around a very cold galaxy
It’s just like you said it could be
Oh it’s like you said it would be
Some of the time the future
Comes right round to haunt me
Some of the time the future
Comes round just to see
That all is as it should be
Like it’s there to remind me
We’ve got to wait and see
Got to let it be
Wait and see
sábado, maio 10
alto e bom som

I Will Believe in Anything
Wolf Parade
Apologies to The Queen Mary
Give me your eyes
I need sunshine
Give me your eyes
I need sunshine
Your blood
Your bones
Your voice
and your ghost
We've both been very brave
Walk around with both legs
Fight the scary day
We both pull the tricks out of our sleeves
but I'll believe in anything
and you'll believe in anything
said I'll believe in anything
and you'll believe in anything
If I could take the fire out from the water
I'd share a life and you'd share a life
If I could take the fire out from the water
I'd share a life and you'd share a life
If I could take the fire out from the water
I'd take you where nobody knows you
And nobody gives a damn
said nobody knows you and nobody gives a damn
and I could take another hit for you
and I could take away your trips from you
and I could take away the salt from your eyes
and take away the spitting salt in you
and I could give you my apologies
by handing over my neologies
and I could take away the shaking knees
and I could give you all the olive trees
oh look at the trees and look at my face and look at a place far away from here
Give me your eyes
I need sunshine
Give me your eyes
I need sunshine
Your blood
Your bones
Your voice
and your ghost
We've both been very brave
Walk around with both legs
Fight the scary day
We both pull the tricks out of our sleeves
but I'll believe in anything
and you'll believe in anything
If I could take the fire out from the water
I'd share a life and you'd share a life
If I could take the fire out from the water
I'd share a life and you'd share a life
If I could take the fire out from the water
I'd take you where nobody knows you
And nobody gives a damn
I said nobody knows you and nobody gives a damn
I said nobody knows you and nobody gives a damn either way
About your blood
your bones
your voice
and ghost
because nobody knows you and nobody gives a damn
either way and now
I'll believe in anything
I’ll Believe in Anything You’ll Believe in Anything
Sunset Rubdown
Snake's got a leg
Give me your eyes
I need sunshine
Give me your eyes
I need sunshine
Your blood,
your bones,
your voice,
and your ghost
We’ve both been
A very brave
Walk around with both legs
Fight the scary day
We both pulled the tricks out of our sleeves
I’ll believe in anything and
You’ll believe in anything
I’ll believe in anything and
You’ll believe in anything
If I could get the fire out from the wire
I’d share a life and I’d share a life
If I could take the fire out from the wire
I’d share a life and I’d share a life
If I could take the fire out from the wire
I’d take you where nobody knows you and
Nobody gives a damn
I said nobody knows you and
Nobody gives a damn
And I could take another hit for you
And I could take another trip for you
And I could take away the salt from you
Take away the skin and salt in you
And I could take away your shaky knees
And I could give you all the olive trees
And I could give you all the olive trees
And I could take away your shaky knees
And put it all up into the trees and into the seas and away from here
So give me your eyes
I need sunshine
Give me your eyes
I need sunshine
Your blood,
your bones,
your voice,
and your ghost
We’ve both been very brave
Walk around with both legs
Fight the scary day
We both pulled the tricks out of our sleeves
But I’ll believe in anything and
You’ll believe in anything
If I could take the fire out from the wire
I’d share a life and I’d share a life
If I could take the fire out from the wire
I’d share a life and I’d share a life
If I could take the fire out from the wire
I’d take you where nobody knows you and
Nobody gives a damn
I said nobody knows you
And nobody gives a damn
I said nobody knows you
And nobody gives a damn either way
About your blood,
your bones,
your voice,
and your ghost
Because nobody knows you
And nobody gives a damn either way
You know I’ll believe in anything and
You’ll believe in anything
Because nobody knows you
And nobody gives a damn either way
*Spencer Krug é gênio.*
um filme

mais ou menos assim
a de sempre, menino e menina, cidade, telhados e flores
e começa assim:
The Concretes
The Concretes
When i'm out, when i'm out, when i'm out,
When i'm out of love.
Chicofriend, chicofriend, chicofriend
Will be around.
He will ease, he will ease, he will ease
He will ease my mind.
Fill my heart, fill my heart, fill my heart,
Fill my heart with blood.
He will carry me, carry me, carry me, carry me.
He was a fortune teller, he was a fortune teller.
So when i'm out, when i'm out, when i'm out,
When i'm out of love.
Chicofriend, chicofriend, chicofriend
Will be around.
He will carry me, carry me, carry me, carry me.
Cause he was a fortune teller, he was a fortune teller.
Teller, teller, teller...
e termina assim:
Break My Body
Surfer Rosa
I'm the horny loser
You find me crashin' through my mother's door
I am the ugly lover
You find us rollin' on the dirty floor
Break my body
Hold my bones...Hold my bones
Break my body
Hold my bones...Hold my bones
Break my body
Hold my bones...Hold my bones
I'm a belly dancer
I 'll shake forever say that I'd never care
I'm a building jumper
Roof to roof you see me flying in the air
Break my body
Hold my bones...Hold my bones
Break my body
Hold my bones...Hold my bones
Break my body
Hold my bones...Hold my bones...bones
Somebody got hurt
Somebody get hurt
Somebody got hurt
...é .... é assim que termina
sábado, maio 3
não tem foto, mas pouco importa
sunshine blue sky
quando as coisas ficam dificeis, me surpreendo a espiar os animais na rua e sua felicidade simples. achei que esse ero ao mais simples que um ser podia aspirar.
mas desde que fui pai da girassol, descobri que há um lugar mais longe e mais singular da felicidade a ser alcançado. sim. há como se alegrar de ter vonta de sorrir e correr com a simples presenç sol...e do céu azul. de outono.
hoje é dia lindo. que é pelo fato em si de existir e ser.
hoje é dia 3 de maio de 2008 e faz um frio de céu limpo de outono.
as folhas caem.
quando as coisas ficam dificeis, me surpreendo a espiar os animais na rua e sua felicidade simples. achei que esse ero ao mais simples que um ser podia aspirar.
mas desde que fui pai da girassol, descobri que há um lugar mais longe e mais singular da felicidade a ser alcançado. sim. há como se alegrar de ter vonta de sorrir e correr com a simples presenç sol...e do céu azul. de outono.
hoje é dia lindo. que é pelo fato em si de existir e ser.
hoje é dia 3 de maio de 2008 e faz um frio de céu limpo de outono.
as folhas caem.