sexta-feira, janeiro 19

Bilhetes de metrô



"... y lo que llamamos amarnos fue quizá que yo estaba de pie delante de vos, con una flor amarilla en la mano, y vos sostenías dos velas verdes y el tiempo soplaba contra nustras caras una lenta lluvia de renuncias y despedidas y tickets de metro."

Rayuela, Julio Cortazar

*houve um tempo.

Beauties can die
Dead cities, red seas and lost

Sprout and the bean
Joanna Newsom
The Milk eyed-mender

I slept all day
I woke with distaste
And i railed
And i raved

That the difference between
The sprout and the bean
It is a golden ring
It is a twisted string

And you can ask the counsellor
You can ask the king
And they'll say the same thing
And it's a funny thing

Should we go outside
Should we go outside
Should we break some bread
Are y'interested

And as i said
I slept as though dead
Dreaming seamless dreams
Of lead

When you go away
I am big-boned and fey
In the dust of the day
And in the dirt of the day

And the danger, danger drawing near them was a white coat
And the danger, danger drawing near them was a broad boat
And the water, water running clear beneath a white throat
And the hollow chatter of the talking of the tadpoles
Who know th'outside
Should we go outside
Should we break some bread
Are y'interested


Anonymous Anônimo said...

volví con el viento en la espalda, alejándome de ti. volví a ver las caras de mi viejo barrio y mi historia me mostró que yo era otro, un pasajero en trance hacia ningún puerto.

terça-feira, janeiro 23, 2007 12:53:00 AM  

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