Musiquinha de um final de semana (passado) - Passível de dança

de quando eramos felizes juntos
Fight Test
The Flaming Lips
Yoshimi Batlles the Pink Robot
I thought I was smart - I thought I was right
I thought it better not to fight - I thought there was a
Virtue in always being cool - so when it came time to
Fight I thought I'll just step aside and that time would
Prove you wrong and that you would be the fool -
I don't know where the sun beams end and the star
Light begins it's all a mystery
Oh to fight is to defend if it's not
Now than tell me when would be the time that you would stand up
And be a man - for to lose I could accept but to surrender
I just wet and regretted this moment - oh that I - I
Was the fool
I don't know where the sun beams end and the star
Light begins it's all a mystery
And I don't know how a man decides what right for his
Own life - it's all a mystery
Cause I'm a man not a boy and there are things
You can't avoid you have to face them when you're not prepared
To face them -
If I could I would but you're with him now it'd do no good
I should have fought him but instead I let him - I let
Him take it -
I don't know where the sun beams end and the star
Light begins it's all a mystery
And I don't know how a man decides what right for his
Own life - it's all a mystery
Litlle Eyes
Yo La Tengo
Summer Sun
Took a walk alone last night
Slept inside your head
It was raining hard again, crawled back into bed
Tried to catch up to you
But you moved too fast
Thought about a million things
Fell asleep at last
Got up again last night
Tore all over town
Skidding tires screeching brakes
Barely make a sound
We were on a winding road
Going 65
Slid along an icy stretch, made it back alive
Little eyes are open but they don't see very far
You can only hurt the ones you love
Not the ones you're thinking of
Little eyes are open but they're sinking back again
Don't you know you're sleeping much too long
Wake up little eyes
Moving but not gaining any ground
Climbing up the escalator as it takes you down
Last night I heard this sound
Echoed everywhere
Like a buzzing amplifier
Burning through the air
It's still raining hard, you said
Have you any clue?
Is it ever gonna stop?
I guess that's up to you
Little eyes are open but they don't see very far
You can only hurt the ones you love
Not the ones you're thinking of
Little eyes are open but they're sinking back again
Don't you know you're sleeping much too long
Wake up little eyes
Qualquer música é passível de ser dançada
Foi isso que Guabe (o DêJota) provou ao colocar estas duas músicas na pista de dança do Milo, ás 3 horas da manhã está para o Milo como a luz das 5:50 e das 17:50 estão para a fotografia. Um lusco fusco..mágico.
Ainda me fez o favor de lembrar-me que Yoshimi Batlles the Pink Robot é Obra prima, e na sequência, tocando Evil, me fez lembrar de você.
Antecipei a sexta, e fiz besteira, claro, não é isso que vai me queimar, mas tomar cuidados com acúmulos. Ou como trabalhar 60 horas em 3 dias, ou como fazer besteira. Por que eu insisto em ganhar dinheiro com algo que não entendo? o mundo é uma merda mesmo, até bom para mim, mas péssimo para a novela.
e assim me vou para Bragança, para Pirapora, para vários lugares, dormir no trabalho..em qualquer lugar, menos em casa. isso, só em janeiro. eu não queria ter saído daquela esquina.
eu não queria um monte de coisas, e queria outras tantas, mas nem por isso, nem por isso, precisava selfdestruction, falência estupída.. concentração, algo que foi perdido a muito. É muito Tênue a linha entre a sanidade e o completly lost yourself.
não sou mais um menino, i´m a man, i´m not a boy...mas lutei (luto) até onde pude (posso mais..talvez).
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